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Your donation is an investment in a transformative cause. In a stark art world reality, out of 18 prominent art museums in the U.S. housing over 10,000 artists, 87% are male, and 85% are white. Further, only 13.7% of living artists represented by galleries in Europe and North America are women, and none of the hundred most expensive works ever sold are by a woman.

This glaring gender and diversity gap underscores the urgency of your support. Your contribution not only grants you early access to exhibits, exclusive prints, and online previews but also becomes a driving force for social change through art.

By donating to our gallery, you empower us to carry out our mission and programs to transcend boundaries by offering fresh and inclusive perspectives to the world. Your support fuels our commitment to hope, transformative viewpoints, and gender equality, impacting not only the artists we showcase but the communities we touch.

Your contribution isn't just about art; it's a catalyst for profound social change.